Valeria De Antonellis

Valeria De Antonellis

Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell‘Informazione

Università degli Studi di Brescia

Via Branze, 38 25123 Brescia - Italy

tel. +39-030-3715452, fax +39-030-380014


publications: IRIS - DBLP - GoogleScholar

Short biography

Valeria De Antonellis is Professor Emeritus at the University of Brescia since February 2021. Previously she was full professor of Information Systems at the University of Brescia (1996-2020), full professor at the University of Ancona (1994-1996), associate professor at Politecnico di Milano (1991-1994) and University of Milano (1981-1991).

She was Deputy Director of the Department of Information Engineering at the University of Brescia (2017-2020).  Promoter and Member of the Steering Committee for the creation of the Bachelor Program “Technology Engineering for the Digital Enterprise” (2018-2020).

She was (2010-2016): Rector's Delegate for Information Systems Innovation, Rector's Delegate for the University Library System, President of the Information Systems Innovation Committee at University of Brescia, President of the University Library System,  Member of the University's Quality Committee, Member of the University's Disaster Recovery Committee, Rector's Delegate at GARR, University Delegate at CRUI . See UniBS Digitale 2011-2016: 

She was chair of the PhD program in "Information Engineering" (2000-2006), PhD Program in "Computer Science, Engineering and Systems Control" (2007-2011), Member of the Doctoral College in Information Engineering (since 2012) at the University of Brescia. She was responsible for the creation and organization of the Bachelor and Master Degree programs in "Computer Science and Engineering" at the University of Brescia (2000-2012). Chair of the University Competence Centre for EUCIP (European Certification of Informatics Professionals) at University of Brescia (2005-2016). Co-founder and executive committee member of the Italian Pole of Scientific and technological Research on Interoperability "Interop-Vlab.IT" (2008-2014). 

Her research interests include:

INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND DATABASES: advanced database and web information system design - conceptual modeling and semantic representation of data, processes, services – schema matching and semantic integration – process analysis and reengineering - service design.

SEMANTIC WEB - DATA, SERVICES, APPLICATIONS: data and web services search and ranking - ontologies and semantic interoperability - web application design.

BIG DATA: innovative models, methods and tools for the management and exploration of Big Data, in service-oriented architectures, with application in strategic areas such as Smart Cities and Industry 4.0.

She published in main peer-reviewed journals of the field (including ACM TODS, IEEE TKDE, IEEE TSE, IEEE TSC, Information Systems, WWW), and in the proceedings of the main international conferences of the field (including ACM-SIGMOD, VLDB, ICDE, CAiSE, WISE, ICWE, ER). She is co-author of the books: Relational Database Theory (Benjamin/Cummings 1993, ISBN 0-8053-0249-2) and La Teoria Relazionale dei Dati (Bollati Boringhieri , ISBN: 88-339-5031-X, 1985). Co-editor of the book: Computer-Aided Database Design: the DATAID approach (North-Holland 1985, ISBN 0-444-87735-5).


She served on the program committee in numerous international conferences, and was referee for several international journals. Co-founder and member of the Steering Committee of the Italian Conference SEBD (Advanced Systems for Databases). She was Chair of the AICA Working Group on Databases. Member of the "ER International Conference on Conceptual Modeling" Steering Committee. Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal on Data&Knowledge Engineering. Member of the Scientific Committee of "Collana di Informatica", ed. Franco Angeli.

She has been working within several national and international research projects and collaborations, coordinating parts of or whole Projects. In particular, she led the DATAID research project originating the DATAID-1 methodology for the analysis, design and realization of database systems (cited in: People Behind Informatics: The history of Conceptual Modeling). She promoted the conceptual modeling of both data and processes (Modeling Events in Data Base Applications Design, VLDB 1981) in the methodology anticipating issues of the object-oriented methodologies.

In the area of semantic data integration research, she proposed: novel affinity and clustering techniques for automatic schema matching supported by the ARTEMIS tool, chosen by the Microsoft Database Group as a reference for experimentation and development of schema matching tools (2001) and schema integration techniques (2005). In the semantic web area, original results were contributed in ontology-based approaches for semantic modeling, matching and semantic discovery of services in web application design (Best Paper Award CAiSE 2013), and applications in the Smart Cities domain (Best Paper Award IISSC 2017). In the Big Data area, she focused on clustering-based exploration approaches, with applications to anomaly detection in the Industry 4.0 domain.